About us

Immbiomed’s Credo

“What are the two most important elements in the success strategy of a company?

Peter Drucker, a pioneer of modern management consultancy, provided the answer long ago:

“Since the purpose of a company is to create a customer, the company has two – and only two – basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results, everything else is a cost”.

We at ImmBioMed fully agree with the credo of Peter Drucker.

We even extend it by saying: “The development and marketing of innovations is the turbo for the success strategy of a company”.

and “Due to the speed of product innovation cycles and changes in end-user behaviour, the Internet is the central instrument for marketing of innovations – especially in the markets for medical research and diagnostics”.


  • For problem owners the Internet is a search and find engine for solutions
  • Problem owners use it to actively search for solutions in a 24/7/365 manner
  • The internet is the best tool to inform problem owners about the existence of a solution to their problem, to put the problem owner in contact with the solution provider and to start the sales communication.
  • If the Internet presence is appropriately set up, it generates your market, 24/7/365, in real time, at a reasonable cost.

Click here for the CV of Prof. Dr. med. M. Kramer